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Facts about the port

Port of Hirtshals has a unique geographical location only 20 minutes away from the sea lanes between the European west coast, Great Britain, Scandinavia and the Baltics, close to some of Europe's best fishing spots, and right at the beginning of the European motorway network.

Hirtshals - a unique geographical hub

The location of Port of Hirtshals, combined with an efficient infrastructure and a good logistic system, makes the port a natural focal point for transport, fishing and maritime services.

Geographical position
Longitude 57° 36' N and Latitude 9° 58' E

Opening date
1 December 1929
(first day on which a fee was charged for landing fish)

Vandbygningsvæsenet. (The Danish State)

Mode of operation
Municipal self-governing port (since 2001)

The outer works
The piers are owned by Kystdirektoratet (The Danish State)

Water depth
Up to 10.5 m in the ports basins

Quay length 
4.7 km

Land area 
1,100,000 m²

Water area  
465,000 m²

Ice factories

Ferry berths


Slip ways

Distance to 
Motorway: 0 km to E39
Railway: 0 km
Airport: 25 km to Sindal - 65 km to Aalborg


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