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Danish port seeks investors for ambitious wind turbine project

Development company helps investors on their way

The development company Greenport North, which is partly owned by Port of Hirtshals, plays a key role in the constructive collaboration between companies - including the future investor(s). Greenport North is a catalyst for green transition and growth for existing and new companies at Port of Hirtshals and has extensive experience with green energy solutions, sector coupling and circular economy. The company helps explore the potential for collaboration with other companies and facilitates contact with the harbour, utilities, investors, and relevant authorities.

"The potential is huge, and we will try to convince possible investors of this in the dialogue we are now initiating. Some of our goals are that we can offer green energy to many companies as early as 2027, that we have created the necessary framework conditions for the production of new green fuels, and that our Smart Energy System, where surplus energy is recycled in industrial symbioses, is up and running," says Per Holm Nørgaard.


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